H57h-am2 connections
H57h-am2 connections

h57h-am2 connections h57h-am2 connections

The motherboard will draw current from these three rails in varying amounts, depending on the design. All computer power supplies have three voltage rails which they are responsible for regulating: the 3.3v rail, the 5v rail, and the 12v rail. While on the topic of connectors, it is important to discuss the rails in a PSU. In addition, the emergence of SATA hard drives and PCI-Express video cards means that you must make sure the power supply you are looking at provides these features if you plan on implementing them in your computer (fig 2.2 & 2.3). Make sure the power supply you are looking at offers enough molex connectors to meet all of your needs. All power supplies have 12V molex connectors (fig 2.1) which are used to power peripherals such as CD/DVD-ROM drives, hard drives, and case fans. In addition to main motherboard connectors, power supplies also differ in the other connections they offer. Although a 24 pin power supply can be used with a 20-pin motherboard via an adapter, it is not recommended to attempt the reverse, for a 20-pin power supply was not designed to provide the necessary voltage to all those wires. Newer, more feature-laden motherboards use the 24-pin ATX connector (fig 1.2). Older and less feature-rich motherboards use the 20-pin ATX connector (fig 1.1). A power supply's main connection is with the motherboard, and there are now two main standards for desktop computers that must be considered. The most important feature of a computer power supply is its compatibility. It is paramount, therefore, to choose a quality psu when building a computer. If the power supply is incapable of providing the power needed, data corruption and possibly physical component damage could result. It must supply a steady, reliable source of power to every other component in the system, and it must do so without making too much heat or noise. Compatibility Connectors | Manufacturer Fibs | Power Supply Size Modular and Sleeved Power Supplies | RecommendationsĪ power supply is arguably the most important component in every computer system. Readers are encouraged to link to this article from their own websites. How to Buy a Power Supply Author: Dave Melchiore We encourage readers who find this information beneficial to share it with friends or other interested parties.

H57h-am2 connections